Dynamics 365 Business Central Keyboard Shortcuts

(PC Only)

We all like to save precious seconds in the day so take a look at our list of Dynamics 365 Business Central keyboard shortcuts to work faster and look like a Pro!

Alternatively, if you are looking for keyboard shortcuts for Dynamics NAV, visit this page.

General Shortcuts

Press these keys To do this
Alt+Down Arrow Open a drop-down list or look up a value for a field
Alt+Up Arrow Show tooltip for a field or column header of a table
Alt+F2 Show and hide the FactBox pane
Alt+Shift+F2 Shift between Details and Attachments in the FactBox pane
Alt+O Add a new note for the selected record, even if the FactBox pane is not open
Alt+N Create a new record
Alt+Shift+N Close a newly created page and open a new one to create a new record
Alt+Q Open Tell Me window
Alt+Right Arrow Look up additional information for a field that contains the ... button
Alt+T Open the My Settings page
Shift+F12 Open the role explorer
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C Display information in the company badge
Ctrl+Alt+F1 Inspect the page
Ctrl+F1 Open help for the page
Ctrl+F12 Switch between wide and narrow layout view
Ctrl+Click Navigate during personalising or customising when the action is highlighted
Ctrl+F5 Reload the Business Central application
F5 Refresh the data on the current page
Enter Enable or access the element or control that is in focus
Esc Close the current page or drop-down list
Tab Move focus to the next control or element on a page
Shift+Tab Move focus to the previous control or element on a page
Y and N Activate Yes or No buttons in dialogs

Shortcuts in Lists

Press these keys To do this in a list view To do this in a tile view
Alt+F7 Sort the selected column in ascending or descending order Not applicable
Alt+N Insert a new line in an editable list Insert a new line in an editable list
Shift+F10 Open a menu of options that are available for the selected row Open a menu of options that are available for the selected row


Navigating between Rows and Columns
Press these keys To do this in a list view To do this in a tile view
Ctrl+Home Select the first row in the list Move to the first tile in the first row
Ctrl+End Select the last row in the list Move to the last tile in the last row
Home Move to the first field in the row Move to the first tile in the row
End Move to the last field in the row Move to the last tile in the row
Enter Open the record that is associated with the field Opens the record
Ctrl+Enter Move focus to the next element outside the list Move focus to the next element outside the list
Down Arrow Move in the same column to the field in the row below Move in the same column to the tile in the row below
Up Arrow Move in the same column to the field in the row above Move in the same column to the tile in the row above
Right Arrow In the view-only list, move in the same row to the next field to the right Move in the same row to the next tile to the right
Left Arrow In a view-only list, move in the same row to the previous field to the left Move in the same row to the previous tile to the left
Page Up Scroll to display the set rows above the current rows in view Scroll to display the set of tiles above the current tiles in view
Page Down Scroll to display the set rows below the current rows in view Scroll to display the set of tiles below the current tiles in view
Tab In an editable list, move in the same row to the next field to the right Not applicable
Shift+Tab In an editable list, move in the same row to the previous field to the left Not applicable


Selecting, Copying and Pasting
Press these keys To do this in a list view To do this in a tile view
Ctrl+Click Extend the selection of rows to include the row that you click Not applicable
Shift+Click Extend the selection of rows to include the row that you click and all the rows in between Not applicable
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move focus to the row above and keep the current row selected Not applicable
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move focus to the row below and keep the current row selected Not applicable
Ctrl+Space Bar Extend the selection of rows to include the focused row Not applicable
Ctrl+A Select all rows Not applicable
Ctrl+C Copy the selected rows to the Clipboard Yes but only for a single selected tile
Ctrl+V Paste the selected rows from the Clipboard into the current page or external document, e.g. Excel or Outlook Not applicable
Shift+Up Arrow Extend the selection of rows to include the row above Not applicable
Shift+Down Arrow Extend the selection of rows to include the row below Not applicable


Searching and Filtering Lists 
Press these keys To do this
F3 Toggles the search box
Shift+F3 Open and close the filter pane (focusing on the '+ Filter' action under 'Filter List By', so you can press Enter to start adding a field filter)
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Open and close the filter pane (focusing on the '+ Filter' action under 'Filter Total By', so you can press Enter to start adding a totals filter)
Alt+F3 Toggle filtering to the selected value
Shift+Alt+F3 Open the filter pane and add a filter on the selected column in the list
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F3 Reset filters
Ctrl+Enter Change focus from the filter pane back to the list


Shortcuts in Cards and Documents

Press these keys To do this
Alt+F6 Toggle collapse/expand for the current FastTab
Alt+N Open a page to create a new record
Alt+Shift+N Close a page and open a new one to create a new record
Alt+Shift+W Open the current card or document in a new window
Ctrl+Enter Save and close the page
Ctrl+Down Arrow Open the next record for an entity
Ctrl+Insert Insert a new line in documents
Ctrl+Delete Delete the line in documents, journals and worksheets
Ctrl+Shift+F12 Maximise the line items part on a document page
F6 Move to the next FastTab or part
Shift+F6 Move to the previous FastTab or part


Quick Entry Shortcuts for Fields 

Press these keys To do this
Enter Confirm the value in the current field and go to the next Quick Entry field
Shift+Enter Confirm the value in the current field and go to the previous Quick Entry field
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Confirm the value in the current column and go to the next Quick Entry field outside the list


Shortcuts in the Calendar 

Press these keys To do this
Ctrl+Home Open the calendar if closed
Ctrl+Home Move to the current month, current day
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move to the previous day
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move to the next day
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move to the previous week, same day of the week
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move to the next week, same day of the week
Enter Select the focused date
Ctrl+End Close the calendar and delete the current date
Esc Close the calendar without a selection, keep the current date
Page Down Move to the next month
Page Up Move to the previous month


Shortcuts in Date Fields 

Press these keys To do this
t Enter the current date. 'T' stands for 'today'
w Enter the work date. 'W' stands for 'work date'


Shortcuts in Report Preview 

Press these keys To do this
Down Arrow Scroll down the page
Up Arrow Scroll up the page
Ctrl+0 (zero) Fits the entire page on the screen
Ctrl+Home Go to the first page of the report
Ctrl+End Go to the last page of the report
Left Arrow Scroll to the left when the page is zoomed in so that it is not entirely in view
Right Arrow Scroll to the right when the page is zoomed in so that it is not entirely in view
Page Down Go to the next page of the report
Page Up Go to the previous page of the report